Latin & Hellas

In association with the Latin & Hellas website, essays and commentary on general economic issues, globalization, and political economy, with a special focus on Mediterranean Europe and Latin America.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Warriors For Globalization

It is clear that many of those who have not been warriors for globalization, in the business sense, have missed out on the economic growth of these past fifteen or so years, in some cases causing disruption in their local circumstances.

It is equally clear that many of those who have been warriors for (or against) globalization, in the military sense, have been maimed or died.

But was it any different in other episodes of globalization in the past?

Some scholars estimate that a career Roman soldier had a 25% chance of surviving twenty years of service before being eligible for retirement when he would be rewarded with some farmland and perhaps a house.

I leave further analogies to the reader.


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