... What They Deserve ...
It is time to humble down and live a little bit more like everybody else!
In association with the Latin & Hellas website, essays and commentary on general economic issues, globalization, and political economy, with a special focus on Mediterranean Europe and Latin America.
Latin & Hellas On The Global And
– Swimming In the Mud
So far, since its inception in January-February 2006, the writer of this blog has focused on globalization, the
I. Basic Historical Framework For Globalization
In the essay Diffusion and Darkness (posted July 28, 2006), we mentioned the thousand-years spread of agriculture across the globe as humans emerged from hunting and gathering. As Douglass North pointed out in one of his books, the political history of the pre-industrial world is humans’ working out the social implications of that shift in economics: agriculture was practiced over the centuries under any number of political structures and regimes, from isolated subsistence farmsteads to extensive monarchical empires, based on religious ideologies, spanning land and sea, complete with transport and monetary systems based on metal coinage.
In their public speeches, US central bankers often address the topic of globalization. In a recent speech (August 25, 2006), current Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke even offered a brief outline of the history globalization, citing the Roman Empire as the premier example of the achievement of globalization in the ancient world.
Another culminating moment in the history of globalization was the European “discoveries” period, led first by the Portuguese and Spanish, and later the British, Dutch and French (roughly 1500 to 1750), spurred by advances in European shipping technology and navigation, leading to the globalization of trade, not to mention colonization.
Industrialization, which began in the United Kingdom and spread to certain parts of Europe, North America and certain other European colonies during roughly the 1750-1914 period, was the most important revolution in human economic history since the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture, and political history since then is humans’ working out the social implications of that shift in economics: spawned under the auspices of the Western liberal revolution, representative democracy and market economics, industrialization over the span of some two-hundred fifty years has spread across the face of the globe, complete with transport, financial, and information & telecommunications systems, and today it is practiced under various political structures and regimes ranging in size from city- and island-states to empires spanning land, sea, and air, from various types of dictatorships to various types of semi-anarchy.
The current situation
Most of us are aware that organizers of a consumption-driven, market-based industrialized economy perceive the need to expand the scope of production, consumption, markets, and the supply of energy.
In the essay Musings On The Global Economy (posted February 21, 2006), we noted that, in political economy terms, globalization today means that big power groups – mainly national governments and multinational enterprises – can organize a truly global division of labor, allocation of capital, and consumption in a system largely driven by market prices mixed with government intervention.
Following the energy crises of the 1970s, the
First, in terms of policy reform, the US overhauled its domestic tax and financial systems, then led the drive towards international capital market openness and free trade and travel policies, stimulating also Europe’s drive toward a single market and political union, openness and restructuring in eastern Europe and Russia after the end of the cold war, openness and industrial development in China and India and other emerging countries of east Asia, the “Washington consensus” policies in Latin America, greater involvement of especially energy-rich sub-Saharan African countries, while relations with Islamic countries remained complicated and uncertain, and, most recently, migration of low-cost workers, especially toward the countries of early industrialization.
In terms of technology, generally speaking the early industrialized countries learned how to use energy for transport and especially power generation for industry and services more efficiently. But the application of information & telecommunications (ITC) technology on a global level and scale, coupled with improvements in management techniques and more flexible labor and capital markets leading to productivity gains, especially in the US, has been the culminating point so far in the process towards the globalization of the industrialized economy whose social, political, and economic implications are still being played out.
Technological and economic change brings about social change. Study of human history shows that, speaking of big power groups (governments and big business), any change in territorial relations due to any combination of technological, economic, social, and political change also gives rise to the challenge of how to manage potential and real social changes that result within the territories of the respective big power groups. In other words, the policy, technological and economic changes that are the driving forces behind the globalization of the industrialized economy are posing challenges to domestic social models organized and managed by respective big power groups, on the one hand, and relations among big power groups on a global level and scale, on the other, and they are in turn mutually influencing each other’s domestic models, on friendly and unfriendly terms as the case may be.
Now, as a rule, established power groups do not want to lose control, and this stage of transformation of the global economy is no exception. Generally, big power groups exercise political and social power through control of the energy supply and of strategic commodities, control of military force, control of the money supply (the means of exchange, unit of account, and store of material value), and control of ideology and mass media.
The will of the current main big power groups is that there be no fundamental changes in the matrices of the current social political models, based on the cultural ideology of consumerist materialism as a result of the mere global extension of the industrial economic model organized through a combination of free markets and government intervention. For example, through domination of international capital markets and organizations such as the IMF and the World Bank, the countries of early industrialization have, so far, maintained control of the global money supply.
Nevertheless, social models are changing – in the countries of early industrialization, in Islamic countries, in east Asia, in
One economic imbalance, for example, is energy: demand has increased because of the need to fuel the growing number of factories in countries such as
The wave of change in social models also probably explains the current conflict with North Korea, a regime trying desperately cling to an old social model that is clearly obsolete – not even the Chinese subscribe to it any longer (Cuba is a special case, not discussed here) – and to obtain nuclear weapons to defend itself.
Another example of a change in social model is in the United States and Europe: the union, welfare and pension systems developed towards the end of the 1800s and during the 1900s in the countries of early industrialization that upheld the majority of the working population in the middle class clearly cannot be sustained going forward because of cost competition elsewhere: the golden age of a restricted and protected middle class in the US and Europe is just about over and the gains of industrialization are now being dispersed over a greater number of people throughout the world.
Likely developments
Most likely, through trade, direct investment, immigration and war too, we will all become a little bit more like each other: demographically-challenged US, Europe, and Japan are accounting for an increasingly lower proportion of global output, and probably within the next two or three decades the average Chinese and other east Asian, Indian, Latin American, Arab, and African and so on will have non-agricultural jobs, have access to money to purchase basic consumer goods through wages and credit, as well as access to some kind of healthcare, education and a pension, and the quality of the consumer goods, wages, healthcare, education, and pension will reflect the average quality of the masses of both the older centers of industrialization and the new, for better or worse – those of the masses that survive the global social shift and the energy wars.
II. The Global Financial System
In two articles, i) The Finances Of The Nation-State And The Global Foreign Exchange System and ii) Reform The International Monetary System Or Reform The Nation-State System?, both posted February 23, 2006, but written in April 1995 in the wake of the collapse of the European Monetary System in 1992 and the North American currency crisis of 1994-1995, during a period featuring high budget deficits in the countries of early industrialization, we argued that tinkering with the international monetary system may have some tangible effects in a series of short-runs, but that the underlying cause of chronic macroeconomic disequilibria is fiscal imbalance. In the ensuing years, fiscal balance was restored in the
The expanding global credit bubble since 2001 spawned by historically low interest rates in attempts to revive or maintain consumption, the return in the US to budget deficits and the expanding trade deficit as well as consumer debt, persistent budget deficits and now a trade deficit and burgeoning consumer debt in Europe, and high energy and commodity prices, have all been associated with the rising price of gold in the past several years, sparking a debate, among other things, over the future of the fiat currency system, even as some central banks have begun to replenish their stocks of gold.
In the past eight months, we have contributed to this debate with three articles – The Global Financial System: To Plough Into Gold Or To Plough Seed (published April 24, 2006), Erosion Of The US Dollar? (published May 16, 2006), and More On Gold And The Global Economy (published July 17, 2006).
In these three articles, the focus of the analysis shifts to relative productivity which, however, is not unrelated to fiscal imbalances, debt, and inflation. Briefly tracing the history of the US dollar’s value against the JPY and the DEM (and now the EUR), we pointed out that in the early 1970s, amidst a relative rise in productivity in countries like Japan and Germany, leading to an erosion of the US dollar among other phenomena like inflation and an oil crisis, the gold standard and fixed-exchange rate regime came to an end.
Now, in the mid-2000s, in the face of rising inflation and debt, especially in the US and to a lesser extent in Europe (asset-price inflation – equities and real estate – and in non-exportable services like healthcare and education, coupled with consumer and government debt and trade deficits), leading to an erosion of, and constant pressure on, the US dollar, a debate has arisen whether gold is a speculative ploy or emerging once again as a store of value.
But we argued that the real question is, from the
As for the practical matter of the dollar exchange rate going forward, in short, we argued that the US economy is operating on an unsustainable consumption and energy model, a significant contributor to the several imbalances in the global economy and tension in the global political community. On the other hand, the eurozone economies and its satellites in eastern Europe are beset with their own structural problems (see also A Foursome On European Monetary Union published July 28) and, though certainly the Chinese and Indian economies have become relatively more productive than the US and eurozone economies, at least over the past three or four years, arguing in favor of a stronger Chinese and perhaps other Asian currencies, nonetheless the competitiveness of US manufacturing, both in high-tech fields and possibly also in the lower rungs of the technology chain once again in the future (see massive inflow of low-cost immigrants), as well as the overall productive potential of the US economy, the dollar cannot be easily dismissed.
Overall, then, we expect the dollar to remain under pressure against the euro and the other major currencies, especially while the yuan remains, what many perceive to be, artificially low. However, there are enough countervailing factors that argue in favor of further see-saw movements rather than some kind of dollar meltdown and, even more remotely, a return to the gold standard. Therefore, the speculative play on gold, and on commodities in general for that matter, is not a one way bet going forward.
III. Current Monetary Policy And The Search For A Soft Landing: Swimming In The Mud
In a series of four articles – i) Inflation, Interest Rates, And Short-Term Market View (posted May 25, 2006), ii) After The June Hikes, What Next? (posted July 5, 2006), iii) Governor Kohn Indicates Higher Interest Rates, Lower Real Estate Prices (post July 6, 2006), and iv) More Fed Watching, The Dilemma Of August 8 (posted July 29, 2006), we focused on the US economy, some of its structural imbalances as reflected in debt, deficits, asset prices, and inflation, financial market performance, and the monetary policy response, all against the backdrop of globalization.
Led by the corporate sector, the
Yet, if the
To a large extent as a result of relationships with countries like
The Fed, along with many other observers, knows that debt-based spending in the
So the Fed must do a tight-rope walk at high altitude, seeking a balance between curbing inflation and maintaining the value of the dollar in the face of high levels of debt supported to a large extent by foreign purchases of treasury securities, on the one hand, and consumption and economic growth on the other, equally in the face of high levels of debt.
One way out, the Fed hopes, as US economic growth slows, in part through a downward correction in real estate prices, is that investment and consumption will pick up in the rest of the world, mainly east Asia (as mentioned, the US and Europe account for an increasingly smaller proportion of global output), allowing US exports to increase, by virtue of the productivity and investment potential (saving) in the corporate sector. Productivity may even rise in the meantime, supporting corporate earnings and so the stock market, helping to offset the reduction in the wealth effect caused by the adjustment in the real estate market, allowing interest rates to rise less than expected before the second quarter GDP report, leaving enough excess liquidity also to support emerging equity markets and international bonds, while foreigners would also agree to keep holding US debt paper, now at more competitive interest rates than eighteen months ago, in the interests of maintaining stability.
In the event, so far, economic growth has slowed to around 2.5%, though reported inflation, at around 2.9%, is still stubbornly higher than the Fed’s comfort zone. On the other hand, oil prices have dropped to below $60 per barrel and other commodity prices have also retreated, while the stock market has reached new highs, to a large extent driven by still high corporate earnings growth rates. But this may be a backwards looking indicator. We still have to gauge to what extent the recent run-up in stock prices is also the result of a switching of credit-induced speculative excesses from the real estate market back into the stock market.
In conclusion, one way to frame the main issue facing the
On the one hand,
Instead, a rethink of the
But, as oft repeated, the art of economic policy is mostly pursued in a series of short-runs. As the US heads for a period of slower growth, stagflation, or recession over the next six to eighteen months – whatever it takes to bring overall economic growth back into line with real productivity growth, and no longer inflated by debt-based spending – the slack in overall global growth will most likely be picked up, if at all, by east Asia which, for the moment, still offers the most competitive conditions for manufacturing, even when adjusted for productivity, while at the same time its domestic markets deepen and domestic demand rises.
It is against this backdrop, then, that the US Federal Reserve attempts to engineer a “soft landing” using the few policy tools at its disposal, and it may even succeed, though not onto an “airport runaway” but rather into a “sea of mud” where the US and global economies will have to sink, in conflict with each other, or swim, in some kind of dirty cooperation, going forward.
(originally published February 21, 2006)
Dear Maurizio,
I remember a few years ago or so, in 2003, we were speaking about the economy and, in particular, we said that, after the ITC technology boom of the 1990s, there is nowhere left to invest in the real sense of the term (and not in the speculative sense).
Obviously such a statement requires an explanation of the factual details that stand behind it.
Political conditions allowing, instantaneous global communications mean that big power groups – mainly national governments and multinational enterprises – can organize a truly global division of labor. Under these conditions, they can optimize the allocation of resources in the several sectors: for example, on the one hand, the industrial production of manufactures in regions where labor costs less (now Asia – led by China and India – compared to old centers of industrialization such as Europe, English-speaking America, and Japan) and, on the other hand, in the development, design, and planning of the application of the technologies that stand behind it in regions where managerial methods, university education and knowledge are at a higher level of quality, i.e. still, for now, in the same old centers of industrialization.
Meanwhile, these same old centers of industrialization – literally old also in the demographic sense – import persons of low education to work in the low-level service and construction sectors. More in detail, the
So far so good: investment in ITC technology means goods and services at lower cost and so, in the aggregate, higher productivity for all and a higher quality of life for all on a relatively global scale, at least in principle, including also, and perhaps in particular, “intellectual” workers in the countries of old industrialization. Perhaps the only true losers in this scenario are poorly educated workers employed in manufacturing based in the same old centers of industrialization, but there are also retraining programs and in any case many of these workers are close to retirement.
However, in this scenario there are several economic, political and social structure problems, which are also reflected in the financial scenario. In the following paragraphs I summarize only a few aspects of the most important problems on these four levels.
On the economic level, I focus on the supply and cost of energy, a sector which once again emerges as a central point in human affairs since, on the one hand, there is a need to fuel the growing number of new factories in countries such as China and, on the other hand, there is a need to transport all this merchandise to the centers of consumption over mountains and oceans. We can also add the need to heat the houses of the old pensioners in the old industrialized countries (not so old pensioners in some countries, especially in western Europe, led by
Now the political problem arises: still the most efficient sources of energy (oil and natural gas) are found for the most part inside or around countries where major groups aspiring for power, with another ideology, – that certain other, already-established power groups label as “terrorists” – want to, no surprise, increase and officialize their power, and so to achieve this objective they make war where the stakes are the price of energy, to whom to sell it, and how to redistribute the income so generated.
Obviously I am referring to the Arab countries, and to those that extend from northeastern Africa to central Asia and even to
Addressing now the social structure issue, I would like to point to one general phenomenon and one particular one that regards us even personally. The general point is that historically, speaking of big power groups, any change in territorial relations due to technological and/or economic and/or social and political changes also gives rise to the challenge of how to manage potential and real social changes that result within the territories of the respective big power groups.
As for the particular phenomenon, as mentioned above, investment in ITC technology means goods and services at lower cost and so, in the aggregate, higher productivity for all and a higher quality of life for all on a relatively global scale, at least in principle, including also, and perhaps in particular, “intellectual” workers in the countries of old industrialization.
It is not so simple in reality, however, neither is it simple to understand the reality, and perhaps even less so to describe it in an economy of words. However, I shall try, as God commands.
Obviously the societies of early (old) industrialization cannot bring forward their social models developed towards the end of the 1800s and during the 1900s, especially those after the second world war until the end of the cold war. At the same time, the established power groups – neither in the countries of early industrialization, nor in the emerging countries, nor in the so-called underdeveloped countries (I refer in particular to Latin America), nor the “traditional” countries (I refer mainly to the Arab countries) – do not want to lose control during this stage of transformation of the global economy.
One proven method of control throughout history for two thousand five-hundred years – and here I address the financial scenario – is social and financial indebtedness, together with its partner, inflation: in other words, control of the money supply, of the means of exchange, the unit of account, and the store of material value. (There is also the military method, still employed, among still other methods of control.)
In principle, lower-cost goods and services and higher productivity at the aggregate level should mean a stable price level or even a moderate deflation. In such a scenario, there could be a true higher quality of life for everyone on a relatively global scale, also including, and perhaps in particular, intellectual workers in the countries of early industrialization: imagine what social, political, and cultural changes could occur through a true liberation of creative intellect, tempered by a sensibility for maintaining what has conserved true moral and cultural value throughout the centuries.
But the will of the current big power groups is that there be no fundamental changes in the matrices of the current social political models, based on the cultural ideology of consumerist materialism – whether of the so-called capitalist, socialist, or communist variants – as a result of the mere global extension of the industrial economic model organized through a combination of free markets and state intervention. The only alternative offered by the current global political agenda would be radical Islamism, which in my opinion would mean, stated briefly, the reversal of the gains of the industrial revolution of these last two-hundred years.
Instead, assuming that the established power groups beat back the challenge posed by radical Islamism, the social structure will continue to transform toward one that combines the gains of the industrial revolution of these past two-hundred years on a global scale on the economic plane – as in parallel fashion, the gains of the agricultural revolution have spread since around ten thousand years ago – with a widening gap between wealth/income groups (relatively few hyper-rich and many relatively poor) and an increasingly small middle class (including intellectual workers), just so reminiscent of a "traditional" agricultural society.
And the key instruments in implementing this transformation are the control of the energy supply, and of other commodities, and then control of the money supply, indebtedness, and inflation, and so control of the manipulation of published inflation data, implying also the huge sphere of control of the mass media.
As a result, the working classes, intellectual and non-intellectual, will be fixed and/or flexible in their places, both physical as well as social economic, by the will of the leaders of the big power groups (rule by telecommand), under the dominion of a consumerist materialist ideology, at the global level.
The details, among others, of this implementation are, in the countries of early industrialization, in the costs of the pension, healthcare, and university systems, in the speculative bubbles in asset prices – ten years ago in equities, now in the residential real estate market –, in the spread through the banking system of consumer credit and household indebtedness, the manipulation especially of the inflation data, and, at the global level, of migration flows, especially towards the countries of early industrialization.
As a result, stated briefly, at a certain point there will be a greater balance in the production of manufactured goods and services among the several regions of the world (and so also in the balance of payments): the number of factories will one day grow again in Europe and the United States, but the workers will not necessarily be the descendents of the current and soon-to-be pensioners, and the associated social costs will be of lesser proportions than those of the models in effect for several generations now in the countries of early industrialization.
Summarizing, then, the opening reference, I see the investment and application of ITC technology on the global level and scale in the last fifteen or twenty years, and since the end of the cold war, as a second wave of the industrial revolution, whose social, political, and economic implications are still being played out (e.g. military conflicts, financial speculation, imbalances in the balance of payments among the several countries, government and private debt, attempts to manage real and imagined climate changes, among other phenomena that generate uncertainty).
However, for the foreseeable future, perhaps the next fifty to one-hundred years, in my view, we will have a social structure that combines the gains of the industrialization of the last two hundred years with several social aspects reminiscent of the social structure of "traditional" agricultural societies, based, however, on a dominant consumerist materialist ideology in the hands of the current big power groups, leaving the conservation of culture and moral values to the efforts of smaller groups and individuals that still have the time, the will, and the strength.
And this space there will be: the current big power groups are exactly that, big and powerful, however they are not totalitarian (e.g. nazism, communism, and radical Islamism), and a good part of the leaders of these groups also see that to leave free a part of this sphere of human life on earth is also to their own benefit.
In the following paragraphs I offer a few observations, in the framework of the scenario delineated above, on the social economic situation in the regions and in several of the countries where I have enjoyed the privilege – in part also thanks to investment in ITC technology in these last fifteen/twenty years – of living, working, and studying.
As is well known, in Europe there is a struggle going on for many years now among those social forces that want to conserve as much as possible the old social model noted above, on the one hand, and those that are in a position to gain from the globalization of the economy, on the other (at times, these forces overlap and are contradictory among themselves, as often is the case in politics).
The result so far in countries like Italy, with rigid social systems (including the political system, the bureaucracy, and the labor market in particular) is that the society is consuming the wealth generated in the past at a faster pace than it is generating new wealth, and young people find relatively little space to gainfully express their talents, i.e. in jobs that pay well and in the formation of new, successful businesses (instead of being suffocated by the bureaucracy before generating even a euro of profit), allowing them to facilitate the formation of new families. I see that the Italian companies which are prospering are precisely those that are involved in the globalized economy, even in the traditional sectors of the modern Italian economy, such as the fashion and clothing sector, but likewise companies involved in the construction of infrastructure in key sectors such as energy and transport, among others.
One possible solution for domestic Europe, as opposed to a more flexible society achieving an increase in productivity, maintaining at the same time, nonetheless, the same expectations for the standard of living, would be a return to the protectionism of the past, a fortress Europe, which, however, would still have to find a solution to its energy needs, perhaps integrating more with Russia, central Asia, and possibly also with countries like Iran, quoting the price of oil in euro.
As for the
The speculation in the real estate market is no longer sustainable. As a long-term result of the overproduction of oversized houses in the last seven or so years, I see the subdivision of these constructions into multi-family housing and a change in the zoning laws, allowing in zones – that so far are otherwise strictly residential – small industrial and commercial operations – reminiscent of what I had seen in Portuguese villages only seven or eight years ago and what I see as still the dominant model in Latin America – in part to offset excessive transport costs (job commuting, in some cases nowadays up to two hours one way only) and the carrying costs of these constructions, consisting of mortgage debt, energy expenses (light, heating, air conditioning), local property taxes, insurance, physical maintenance, and other items, all expenses that have gone or are going almost literally through the roof in the United States, not to mention healthcare and university education expenses.
One way out for both the
As for Latin America, then, judging from what I see so far in only one country, Ecuador, I have learned the meaning of an "underdeveloped" country (we may by now discard the term “third world” and for different reasons): there is industrial development, but at a much slower pace compared to both the countries of early industrialization and the emerging countries, in the grips of a ruling class with a "traditional agricultural" mentality who at the same time maintains strong cultural and political, as well as economic and financial, ties with "old world" Europe and the United States.
However, in contrast, Latin America maintains in a much more widespread way several aspects of the old "traditional agricultural" culture that are really worth the effort to conserve, in my view, such as the family and the art of enjoying life regardless of material conditions. I observe this referring to a concept of relative wealth and poverty and with all due respect for those suffering absolute poverty. I repeat, there is industrial development in Latin America, though at a very slow pace, and above all there is hardly a lack of food and in many environments the climate is favorable to the sweet life for people who know how to do it, in their own way; what is lacking, however, stated briefly, are social institutions (political and economic) that would allow the great mass of persons to achieve a level of material life “enjoyed” by those in the countries of early industrialization.
However, in my opinion, such a level of material life is overvalued, not only nowadays in market terms, but above all in human terms, and the people in the countries of early industrialization continue to pay an excessively high price in terms of social rigidity (the lack of freedom?) to conserve the system, in part because of notions of nationalist propaganda, snobbism, and downright racism: a little personal multi-lingualism and real experience in situ go a long way in helping to value the way of life of others, while at the same time wishing them the sweeter fruits (and not the bitter ones) of the systems of the countries of early industrialization, while they conserve those fruits of their own traditions that have real value.
In this context, several current political trends in Latin America perhaps merit comment, even if, in my view, the underlying issue is the same as always: are the ruling classes, of whatever flavor in terms of political propaganda, sincere and do they have the skills to transform the income generated by few commodities into durable social institutions that are capable not only of giving a higher standard of living to an increasingly larger share of their respective populations through a redistribution of income, but also more opportunities to grow, to express their talents, in a more diversified and competitive economy in the global context? Or are we witnessing the usual populism whose economic strength is based on a boom in the price of a single commodity which sooner or later will go bust according to the international trend, ending with the defenestration of the demagogue of the day? Nowadays I am referring in particular to Hugo Chavez of
Certainly more regional integration would make each one of these countries more competitive at the global level, and perhaps Brazil is the leading example in this sense, being the only country capable of standing alone as a global economic power, not only because of its territorial size but also because of the quality of its industry and its skills in research and development. Other countries are attempting to combine regional integration with global trade openness: I am referring in particular to the free trade agreement among the central American countries (plus the Dominican Republic) and the United States, the negotiations for a similar agreement among the Andean countries – Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru – and the United States (the final executive signatures are expected this year, 2006), the free trade agreements with Chile, Mexico’s NAFTA, and, finally, there are similar agreements being negotiated among different Latin American countries/regions and the European Union, and even with some Pacific-rim countries, including China.
It is worth mentioning that, at least in the
Therefore, even a combination of populist socialism and free market in an open economy regime would be good in principle. The question remains whether the Latin American ruling classes are willing and able to give their respective societies social institutions adequate to the current global scenario and to curb, at least, the corruption that so punishes those who are for the most part good people.
As for the east Asian countries and
This development strengthens the idea and the reality that the systems of the countries of early industrialization are by now, or in any case will be, overvalued and they will have to maintain their hegemony, if they can, through a combination of propaganda, further technological and managerial development, and perhaps some social reinvigoration. Otherwise their destiny may be to become second-rate players in a global system dominated by the Asians, more numerous by far, while the Chinese laugh at the war between the "West" and the Arabs to determine who will sell them the commodities, energy first of all, for the industrial development through which they would come to dominate everyone.
In this overall context, at the personal level of one who, in some way, is part of that “middle class” that is decreasing in number and in importance, at least in comparison to the society of the countries of early industrialization during the last hundred years or so, I would say that the risks and the opportunities – in terms of mere survival, in general economic terms, in terms of personal moral choices – are not much different than they were in similar social situations of the past. I am thinking in particular of the
Peace of soul to all,
Latin & Hellas ™
4-5 January 2006
Italian version follows.
Segue versione italiana.